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Frequently Asked Questions About Viagra Answered: Everything You Wanted To Know

frequently asked questions about viagra

Any man who has ever thought about trying Viagra for erectile dysfunction (ED) is bound to have many questions. The key to safe and efficient administration of this drug is having a good grasp of its mechanism of action and any side effects. In this thorough guide, we’ll address the most frequently asked questions about Viagra, giving you all the knowledge you need to make educated decisions on your sexual health.

1. What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

The inability to get or keep an erection strong enough to engage in sexual activity is known as erectile dysfunction (ED). Factors related to one’s lifestyle, mental health, or preexisting medical disorders are among those that could cause it. Moreover, persistent symptoms of erectile dysfunction may include: problems maintaining an erection. Issues maintaining an erection. Declining libido.

Furthermore, men who suffer from erectile dysfunction often experience negative emotions such as anger, irritation, despair, or loss of self-assurance. Fortunately, there is a treatment for this illness. If you’re worried about erectile dysfunction (ED), being honest with yourself, your spouse, and your doctor is the first step.

2. What Is Viagra?

A drug called Viagra, or sildenafil in generic form, is prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction. It helps men get and keep an erection when sexually stimulated by boosting blood flow to the penis. n order for sildenafil to take effect, it is recommended to take it approximately one hour prior to your intended sexual activity.

3. What To Consider When Taking Viagra?

Before taking Vigra, you need to consider certain things.

First, it is very important to talk to your doctor before using Viagra. By reviewing your health records, they will be able to decide whether Viagra is a good fit for you so that you won’t get an adverse reaction. Secondly, after taking a tablet, stay away from citrus fruits, particularly grapefruit, or fat meals because such food can slow down the absorption. Thirdly, Viagra may not work the first time, so don’t get tense. And last but not least, get familiar with its side effects and how to deal with them.

4. What Causes Viagra To Fail?

Many conditions can cause Viagra to fail. Like when you think Viagra will kick in a minute before you have sex or when you think it will work even when you’re not sexually aroused. If you take Viagra with an alcoholic beverage or a fatty meal, it may not work as well. Some factors that could diminish its effectiveness include mental and physical health issues like anxiety, stress, or a lack of libido.

5. How Long Does Viagra Take To Work?

You should expect to feel the effects of Viagra 30 to 60 minutes after taking it. But everyone’s reaction time is different. However, according to a study, over 80% of males got an erection in 45 minutes and 70% in 30 minutes after taking Viagra. Furthermore, food, drink, and sexual stimulation can all have an impact on how long Viagra takes to start working.

6. What Is The Shelf Life Of Viagra?

The efficacy of Viagra may not diminish with time. It will not be as effective, though, because of the decrease in chemical activity. It is also possible for mold or bacteria to grow in drugs that have expired. The typical shelf-life of a medicine like Viagra is around two years.

7. Can I Take Expired Viagra?

There will be an expiration date, as there are with other prescription medications. But it doesn’t imply the drug is ineffective anymore. So, a Viagra tablet or pill may still help you have an erection, but the effectiveness of the active ingredient and other compounds in outdated drugs may be diminished. It’s just that the manufacturer will no longer guarantee the medication’s potency after that date. You can safely take drugs in capsule or tablet form after the expiration date, as long as you keep them in a cool place.

8. Can Viagra Cause A Stroke?

In most cases, taking Viagra as your doctor has prescribed won’t put you at risk of strokes. When people report that Viagra caused a stroke, it’s usually because they overuse and abuse the drug.

In addition, if you are on HIV medicine or have heart or blood vessel problems, you should not use Viagra at the same time. This is because the two drugs can interact with each other and the blood vessels, increasing the risk of stroke.

9. Can You Cut Viagra In Half?

Sure, you can split a Viagra tablet in half if that’s what you require. To guarantee precise dosing, though, a pill cutter is a must.

10. How Soon After Surgery Can I Take Viagra?

Avoid using Viagra for at least a week before surgery to reduce the risk of blindness associated with Viagra. Resuming Viagra usage after surgery is conditional on the specific procedure and the patient’s rate of recovery. For example, you can’t use Viagra just after anesthesia because it can cause low blood pressure and be fatal. But after prostate cancer surgery, you can use Viagra in the immediate post-treatment period. So, it’s better to talk to your doctor for specific instructions.


Fodale, V., Di Pietro, R., & Santamaria, S. (2007). Viagra, surgery and anesthesia: a dangerous cocktail with a risk of blindness. Medical hypotheses, 68(4), 880–882.

11. Does Viagra Show Up On A Drug Test?

Among all drugs, VIAGRA has the highest rate of counterfeiting. Fake Viagra poses health risks. Gas chromatography and ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry are used for the it’s drug testing. So, you can visit a local lab, if you’re worried about drug testing.

Additionally, if you’re concerned about how long it will remain in your system, keep in mind that Viagra has a four-hour half-life . It means that the active ingredient in Viagra diminishes by around 50% after four hours. In other words, a man can maintain his erection for about 4 hours or more.

Weight, health history, and other variables can affect how long Viagra works.

12. Is Rex Md The Same As Viagra?

Rex MD is a telemedicine platform that offers generic versions of erectile dysfunction drugs, such as sildenafil (Viagra’s active ingredient). It come in tablets of 25, 50, and 100 milligrams (mg). Although they are similar, you should still go to your doctor to find out what’s best for you.

13. How Should You Take Viagra?

Oral administration of this medication is the standard method of treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). To get the most out of Viagra, take it at least 30 minutes—but not longer than four hours—before engaging in sexual activity. Do not exceed one dose each day. Moreover, follow your doctor’s instructions when taking Viagra.

14. Are Viagra And Sildenafil The Same?

Viagra, whose full name is sildenafil citrate, contains the active component sildenafil. Alternative names for this drug include “sildenafil” or “generic Viagra,” when sold without the brand name. In order to help you achieve and sustain an erection, both generic sildenafil and Viagra work same and increase the amount of blood flow to your penis because both contain the same active component sildenafil.

15. Is It Safe If I Use Viagra With Other ED Medications?

You should not combine Viagra with any other erectile dysfunction medicine (ED medication online) without your doctor’s explicit permission, because doing so increases the likelihood of side effects. For example, taking Viagra and Cialis at the same time raises the chance of low blood pressure and other negative effects. And if you find that one erectile dysfunction medicine isn’t cutting it, it could be time to visit the doctor to rule out more serious causes.

16. Is Viagra Addictive?

Viagra is not addictive because it contains no ingredients that might lead to physical dependence and subsequent withdrawal symptoms. When necessary, it is administered to treat erectile dysfunction. However, overuse or abuse might lead to psychological addiction but not physical addiction.

17. What Are The Possible Side Effects Of Viagra?

Among the most often reported side effects of Viagra are flushing, dyspepsia, headaches, painful erection and nasal congestion. Prolonged erections (priapism), blurred eyesight, or impaired hearing are rare but dangerous adverse effects.

18. When Should You Consider Using Viagra?

If you and your doctor discussed treatment options for erectile dysfunction, you may want to think about trying Viagra. Test yourself with a low dose at the start, like 25 mg, and increase the dose to 50mg or 100mg depending on whether it is effective or not. If you want better sexual and general health, you need to take care of your ED.

19. Why Is Viagra Expensive?

For a very long time, the Viagra brand dominated oral erectile dysfunction treatment. This is due to the fact that pharmaceutical firms enjoy an exclusive grip on the sale of their newly produced drugs for a period of time. Moreover, no other brand offers such a drug for ED treatment. Also, generic versions of the same drug are often less expensive than their brand-name counterparts.

20. Can I Order Viagra With Safehealth247?

After consulting with a qualified healthcare professional, you may easily acquire erectile dysfunction drugs, such as Viagra, from Safehealth247, an online pharmacy. Safehealth247 provides a hassle-free way to get ED treatment online with its discreet packaging and safe transactions.


You can take charge of your sexual health by arming yourself with knowledge and understanding the world of Viagra. Before beginning any new drug, including Viagra, it is important to contact a doctor to confirm it is safe and suitable for you. When you know what to expect from Viagra, how it works, and how to use it correctly, you can take charge of your sexual health and have a satisfying intimate life.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Is ADHD a form of autism?

Actually, the symptoms and diagnostic criteria for autism and ADHD are very different. They are distinct disorders with their own set of symptoms and treatment approaches, while they may share certain similarities, like behavioral and attention issues. ADHD is characterized by difficulties paying attention, being overly active, and acting without thinking. On the other hand, autism spectrum disorder includes issues with communicating and interacting with others, as well as limited and repetitive behaviors.

Is ADHD a disability?

If ADHD substantially limits a person’s capacity to carry out everyday duties or complete assignments for school, work, or other activities, then it might be deemed a disability. The degree and impact of symptoms can vary greatly among individuals with ADHD; thus, not everyone will develop a disability.

Can people with ADHD live a normal life?

Even though certain symptoms of ADHD may go away as you get older, the disorder itself might be permanent. Some people don’t find out they have ADHD until they are adults. Getting therapy or medication for ADHD is crucial for all adults. If they don’t, they can face difficulties in finding work.

Medically Reviewed By

Dr. Melissa J. Roybal
Dr. Melissa J. Roybal

Melissa has over 15 years of experience since graduating from Georgetown University, specializing in pediatrics, adult, and geriatric care. She is passionate about helping patients via telemedicine for various conditions.


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